Sunday, January 29, 2006

Of obsessive gaming

Last week, I accidentally cancelled all my minesweeper records. Being as I am completely obsessed with minesweeper, that was nothing short of tragedy for me. Luckily, I'd screencapped my latest expert record, otherwise I would have probably ended up tearing my hair out. No, seriously.

I'm particularly proud of this record, as it went from 99 to 95 to 92 in around a week. The whole screencapping was done just to convince Panacea, who refused to believe I'd managed to beat JK Rowling. I was briefly hyper about my new amazing record, but then I saw this site, and was traumatised. Apparently, I suck. Sniff.

Oh well. I am only seventeen after all. I know I'll make it eventually!

In case you're interested, my beginners record is five seconds, and my intermediate is thirty-one. Incidentally, that particular intermediate record was what caused me to delete my scores. I was so excited that I accidentally clicked the 'cancel all scores' tab. I know, I still can't believe it either.

Should I manage to improve my times, you will be informed.
Now I'm off to do my maths homework.

PS: If you have no idea what minesweeper is, I suggest you give it a go (but read the instructions first). It's excellent brain training.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howde! I need mine-sweeper lessons. There. I commented your blog. You can thank me on Monday.

harry (as i said to panacea ive given up on the MALE!! name. Oh, well, at least i dont have sexless handwriting)

7:07 PM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

OMG, Harry, do you expect a Nobel prize or something?

I DO NOT HAVE SEXLESS HANDWRITING. My handwriting is beautiful. Yours looks like a series of squiggles, hardly distinguishable from your integration signs.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to my 'ash-blonde' friend:
honey, my handwriting might look like squiggles but at least it reminds me of the hieroglyphics of the ancient egyptians, which are somewhat picturesque. and who said integration signs had to look like elongated 's' and not like oblongue fives??!!!! Im simply using my imagination.
and we ALL agreed your handwriting was uni-sex, so face the facts.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Panacea said...

Harry - You handwriting is the worst thing i have ever seen in my entire life and nothing like hieroglyphics. Its just illegible and squiggly

TPF - Your handwriting is unisex, we unanimously agree!

9:50 PM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

Gee, Pan, thanks for the support.
Shall we talk about your sanskrit-like hadwriting?
This is all micky's fault for bringing up the handwriting issue in the first place.
My handwriting is beautiful. Period.

10:51 PM  

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