Well, then. It's been a while, hasn't it?
Do you like lists? I don't particularly like them. Or bullet points, for that matter. But here goes. Bullet points.
Do you like lists? I don't particularly like them. Or bullet points, for that matter. But here goes. Bullet points.
- I've been busy nerding it out here. I've got to write an essay every week, and because I'm so disgustingly nerdy, the last two have been above the 4000 word mark. Sigh. I know, I know. Shame on me. I just can't help it. I write. And then I write some more. And I use big SAT words. It helps to know Italian; I actually know all the long English words that derive from Latin. Like, uh, television. But maybe that's Greek.
No, I don't like bullet points. But I can't stop now, can I?
- They have these chocolate chip cookies at Sainsbury's that are absolutely divine and they cost nothing. Also, they have 55 calories per cookie. This is the first time in my life that I have checked calories on food, but I only did it because I finished half a packet (more or less 10 cookies) in half an hour and was freaked out by how deliciously addictive these things were. So I looked at the little box that has all the weird numbers on it and saw 55 calories per cookie. This did not make me feel better. So I had another one. Just to make myself feel better.
- I have a new Indian friend. Pan hates her and calls her Fatty. Which isn't very nice. How Pan can know that Fatty is actually fatty is beyond me, though, as they haven't even met. Anyway, Fatty (she's not even fat, for goodness' sake, it's just Pan being a bitch) is from Delhi. She says Delhi is better than Bombay. She also dislikes Himesh. That seems to be the consensus on Himesh in India. People don't like him.
- There is a lecture on Monday morning at 9 that I am actively skipping. Every week. I feel rebellious.
- I am absolutely in love with caramel Frappuccinos. I feel debauched and vaguely like a sitcom character. But there's just something about caramel Frappuccinos. They're just out of this world. They truly are. Sigh. Now I want one.
- Uni is just like my high school. There are groups. There are many people that are not very nice. People that aren't as smart as I expected them to be. Then again, maybe the not so nice people are smart but also not so nice. Maybe I was making the mistake of equating smartness with being nice, which apparently is so wrong! Who would have thought?
- I have a bike! ME! A BIKE! And I use it all the time! Even though there is a shortcut to my department that cannot be cycled that takes exactly the same amount of time as it takes cycling the long way. But, it wakes me up in the mornings. And also, my bike is soooo pretty! I have yet to name it though. I can't even figure out if its a girl or a boy. Oh! I just had an idea. I'm naming it Blaise. Oh, that is so clever. I love being a fangirl.
- British people are weird. I shall expound on that some other time. Now I'm off to socialise. Wheeee! Yeah.
Sigh. End of bullet points.
I'm actually enjoying it. Some bits are fun. And I've met some great people. Although I do seem to be tired all the time. Hmmm.
Labels: Random is good