Monday, April 10, 2006

The sad tale of Silvio Berlusconi, the man who just wouldn't lose

You might be aware that elections have been taking place in Italy for the last two days. Since Italy has become little more than a boot shaped blot on the world map these days, you probably don't know much about its political life. Here's a quick recap.

There are two major coalitions, centre-left and centre-right. The right has been in power for the last five years. It contains a pseudo-fascist party and a separatist party that wishes for Northern Italy to become independent. It is led my media magnate Silvio Berlusconi. The left, containing everything from pro-church parties to communists is led by a professor of something or other, Romano Prodi. Up to a few weeks before voting began, surveys showed the left as being way ahead. Then, the right began its slow climb back up the ladder until the two sides seemed to be more or less equally balanced.

The last votes are being counted right now, and it appears that it's a draw, for senate and the 'Camera dei Deputati' (corresponding more or less equally to the two houses of Congress in the US).

I am not very happy about this. Correction. I am kinda furious.

And not just because the left didn't win, but because of how this last week and a half has been. Berlusconi obviously realised that should he lose, he'd go straight to prison (the man must be the only Prime Minister in the world who owns half the country's main televisions and still goes around complaining that the media is against him. Aw, poor baby! Moreover, he has clearly passed far too many laws to benefit himself and his best mates. Ah, the joys of moral corruption!).

Uncomfortable with the prospect of abandoning a life of luxury to end up behind bars, and perhaps having nostalgia trips over the good ole' times, Mr. Berlusconi indulged in a little McCarthyism right here in Italy. The extremely funny and equally pathetic culmination of this was when he declared that in Mao's time, the Chinese Communists boiled babies to use them as fertilizer.

How can this person be taken seriously?

Other little gem, a couple of days before voting began. Some minister goes on TV and declares that some planned terrorist attacks in Milan have recently been thwarted.

Hmm. I wonder if the timing of this declaration has anything to do with elections...

Finally: Berlusconi takes the stage at some talk show and solemnly declares that all those who will vote for the left are 'coglioni'. 'Coglione' means testicle. It is a rather strong insult (need I remind you that this man is the Prime Minister?).

People who are scared vote for the right. Especially if the right has spent the last few weeks drumming into their heads that the left coalition, containing two communist parties, is in fact the spawn of the devil and, should it win, anti-globalisationists, anarchists, socialists, communists and other similarly evil people will come together to destroy Italy, subjugating the indivudual to the crushing power of the state.


Somebody should tell these people that the Cold War is over.

Well, it turns out Berlusconi outsmarted us all. However outrageous his antics might be, he's made it. The right has not lost. In fact, it's almost winning. And all because a couple million idiots have been shaken into voting by Italy's very own red scare.

Every cloud has a silver lining. This whole thing is making me mad enough not to be too preoccupied with the fact that tomorrow is my very last day of school. Berlusconi should win more often. It would make all our troubles seem petty in comparison to Italy spending another five years governed by creeps and criminals.

To think I was planning to gloat over a crushing victory! Alas, my dreams have been shattered. And you, Harry, can stop celebrating. You didn't technically win, you know. You just didn't lose so bad.


PS: This post is not in any way intended to generate discussion on the evils of communism. Should you think of entertaining us all with a comment on how lucky Italy is that the evil reds have not won, please think again and don't comment. Thank you. [Yes, I'm very touchy about this issue. What can I say, I'm a bad loser. And no, I don't tolerate other people's opinions, unless they're the same as mine, of course.]

[EDIT: The left won. Hurrah!]



Blogger ash said...

I know a little bit about Italian politics from what I read and hear in the news, and I've always been amazed with the way Berlusconi works (and gets away with things). It makes me grateful for our own relatively sane system.
On the other hand, Tony Blair and Berlusconi seem to be, bizarrely, best of pals. What an unsurprising lack of judgement on Tony's part.

12:38 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

Wow, TPF. When you read this, it will be the last day of school. Congratulations or, if they are in order, Sadulations.

You are experiencing what many people in many countries are--bad and very ugly politics.

I have come to believe, since the election of our "president" in 2000, that politics and politicians have absolutely nothing to do with humanity and the human condition. It is nothing but a sick game of power, hatred, and greed.

Cheerful Poopie, aren't I.

2:58 AM  
Blogger St Jude said...

The Admiral is right, they are the same the world over. Politicians are self-promoters who enjoy hearing themselves speak. They are merely actors who took an alternative route. It's sad but the politicians who still hold to their beliefs are unfortunately also those that probably don't have the 'star quality' and charisma that so many voters are sucked in by today. So they either toughen up and play the game, trading their values for power, or they remain hidden in the back benches where they remain impotent.

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey, I am NOT pro-Berlusconi - the man is an idiot. And the bloomin left party won, now, so update your post. Ugh.

You should mention that Prodi is nick-named 'mortadella' and that he has already decided to take our troops away from Iraq and SEND CIVILIANS!!!! Honestly, how STUPID is the man?!

Both parties are terrible, but between the two coalitions, well, you know what I think.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Panacea said...

Hmm, I personally don't know too much about Italian Politics. If I must guiltily add, I like most teenagers like to ignore problems in a country rather than confront them and have an opinion. What I don't like though is people who don't vote because they don't like both sides. Its just their attitude that irritates me.
I have to say, Italian politics sound creepily similar to Indian politics and we're a LEDC!

8:06 PM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

Ash: I wouldn't call Berlusconi Blair's pal so much as his lapdog. And yes, an unsurprising misjudgement indeed.

Pooper and St. Jude: Yes, I couldn't agree more with both of you. Honest politicians are like cheese; doomed to go bad eventually.
Gosh, that's a weird analogy.

FG: It's OK, your presence is enough to lift my spirits! *smiles dazzling smile*

Harry: The lesser of two evils, huh? Although I'm not sure how much we should trust your judgement. I mean, you do find several asshats that populate our school 'sweet' - acne-boy comes to mind immediately. In short: YOU SUCK, you fascist, you!

Pan: Are you referring to whom I think you're referring to? You evil wench!

11:20 PM  
Blogger Eris said...

gosh, you're so into politics. honestly, i'm old enough to vote and i dont even know when its election year. lol.
italian politics sounds like our school when we were electing prefects and the headgirl.

8:56 AM  

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